Rosalynn Try-Hane 288POSTS

Ros is as picky about what she watches as what she eats. She watches movies alone and dines solo too (a new trend perhaps?!). As a self confessed scaredy cat, Ros doesn’t watch horror films, even Goosebumps made her jump in parts!

The Honourable Rebel hits UK cinema screens on 4 December and BRWC was lucky enough to ask its director Mike Fraser, who has over


Have you ever been so hungry that there comes a point when that hunger disappears? A year is a long time to stay hungry


What’s in a name? A lot and especially in the title of this documentary directed by David Guggenheim: He Named Me Malala. The documentary

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC EIFF 2015 - Review: Under Milk Wood

Under Milk Wood needs no introduction. That short poem by Dylan Thomas. Ok, I jest but it is akin to a Welsh national treasure


What happens when you only like one of the three friends or in this case Amar (Rez Kempton)? The other two are irritating Akbar