Matt Conway 443POSTS

Matt is an American who has grown up for passion for film and its empathetic powers to tell unique stories (especially in the science fiction sphere). Some of his favorites include Inside Llewyn Davis, Her, Goodfellas, Frances Ha and Moonlight.

The 24th movie 2020

Writer/director Kevin Willmott has aptly analyzed unjust racial conditions through his deft viewpoint. Working as a co-writer to the great Spike Lee, efforts like

Robin's Wish movie 2020

Few comedic actors have endured the test of time like Oscar-winner Robin Williams, leaving behind a lasting legacy of laughs after his shocking death

Unhinged movie 2020

Pegging itself as the first nationwide COVID19 release, Unhinged has boldly asserted itself in pole position during a time where Hollywood trepidatiously approaches the

Magic Camp Disney 2020 movie

Whether its countless delays or a star's controversial actions, some projects get lost in the anvils of time. Disney's latest Magic Camp falls into

Max Reload movie 2020 review

Prospering from the massive success of Netflix's Stranger Things, our culture has been surfing on an enduring 1980s nostalgia wave. This pastiche has generated