Rosalynn Try-Hane 288POSTS

Ros is as picky about what she watches as what she eats. She watches movies alone and dines solo too (a new trend perhaps?!). As a self confessed scaredy cat, Ros doesn’t watch horror films, even Goosebumps made her jump in parts!

Parallel Mothers

Parallel Mothers is Pedro Almodovar's most accessible film to date. It is a sublime piece that has two stories that run parallel throughout the

hand of God

Paolo Sorrentino's latest film, Hand of God is his most personal. However, he manages to avoid the pitfalls of the passion project to provide


Raindance Film Festival: Award Winners - BRWC was invited to attend the awards lunch for the 29th Raindance Film Festival. In his welcoming speech


Sisters is a documentary showing Afghanistan through the eyes of the most oppressed, the women and their very public and defiant act of playing

Chuck Steel - Night Of The Trampires: Review

Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires is a wacky, refreshingly different, comedy horror stop motion film that will keep you entertained right until the